Thursday, 15 November 2012

Art with a heart - charity day

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding an
 'Art with a Heart'
charity day
 on Saturday December 8th
from 10 am - 7pm.
Members commission on any sales, normally paid to the gallery, made on the day will be shared between Katherine House Hospice and The County Air Ambulance.

Mince pies and mulled wine 

Please come along and support us on our first charity event - we would love to see you

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

This month's exhibition

Exhibition for November
Paintings by Patricia Noble and David Woodman

Friday, 2 November 2012

new work by members

Here are a few more new items to show you

Screen prints by Val Fenton

Screen prints by Val Fenton
Photography by Sally Hadley

Photography by Sally Hadley

Christmas decorations by Angela Smith